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Conservation Meeting Minutes 6/22/06

Conservation Commission
June 22, 2006

Acting Chairman Hank Langstroth, Janet Dunlap, Stephan Glicken, Katherine Roth, Christine Turnbull and Stephen Cremer were the members present.

7:45 p.m. Discuss updating the Open Space and Recreation Master Plan:

The members of the Commission agreed to postpone this discussion due to the absence of the Chairman.

7:50 p.m. Approve Past Meeting Minutes:

Hank called for a motion to approve the June 1, 2006 meeting minutes as presented.
Katherine Roth moved. Janet Dunlap seconded. Voted. 3-0-3.

8:00 p.m. ANRAD Hearing Continuance filed by Sharon-Walpole LLC for the proposed review of the wetland resource boundary on the property located at 0 and 225 General Edwards Highway.
DEP File # SE-280-0478:

Greg Sampson from BSC Group appeared before the Commission to represent the Applicant.
Abutters/Interested Persons were present in the audience. (See attached list.)
A revised plan entitled, “Existing Conditions Plan”, 6/21/06 was submitted to the Commission.
The Conservation Administrator met with the Applicant’s wetland scientists in the field on June 5 and June 20 to review the proposed wetland line. Modifications were made to the originally proposed line and depicted on the submitted revised plan. Greg Sampson explained to the Commission that some of the revised wetland flags were moved 5’ to 20’ for the proposed project. He provided the Commission with a list of the revised wetland flags.
Some of the adjustments that were discussed included the following:  
Wetland Flag “1” Series
#6 Flag was moved further away from the wetlands.
#17A Flag was added to create a little more shape to the wetlands.
#Wetland Flag “B” Series – A number of wetland flags were revised in order to reflect an obligate species of  Royal Fern by the old wetland line.
Greg Sampson explained again for the members of the Commission, who were not present at the previous hearing, how BSC Group determined that the stream on site was an intermittent. (BSC Group determined the size of the watershed on the property as being less than one-half square mile by using the U.S.G.S. StreamStats program.)
The Conservation Administrator stated that according to DEP Regulations you don’t have to rely exclusively on the U.S.G.S. StreamStats Analysis program when determining the size of a watershed. He said that it would be helpful for the Commission to review the drainage flow map from Mass Highway to establish the amount of drainage flowing into Spring Brook from Route 95 and Route 1.
The Applicant expressed a willingness to provide some more additional information.
Abutter, Bob Higgins – 2 Carriage Lane, Walpole, MA explained to the Commission that he was present at the Appeal’s Hearing for the Superseding Determination of Applicability issued by DEP  for the previous filing on the site. Evidence was presented at the hearing of the visual observations made by several people indicating that some areas of the stream on the site were perennial, including a written report submitted by Alice Smith. He recalled that Mr. Gutierrez eventually withdrew his appeal.

Page 2 SCC 6/22/06

Spencer Welton questioned whether the portion of the stream at the far edge of the site has been designated as perennial.
The Conservation Administrator stated that the Superseding Determination of Applicability issued by DEP for the previous filing indicated evidence of an intermittent flow in the drainage swale next to the Sansone gravel Pit.  
Mark Gagne, Golf Course Superintendent of the Walpole Country Club, stated that the stream on the site flows continuously throughout the year. Spring Brook is the main source of recharge to Allen Pond, which is the main source of irrigation for the Walpole Country Club.
Spencer Welton illustrated the buffer line and wetland areas of the proposed revised concept site Plan with the Commission and requested that the Commission allow Simpson Builders as much buildable area as possible to make this project a success.
Greg Sampson stated that the reserve field for the septic system is proposed entirely outside of the 200’ Riverfront Resource Area for this project.
The Commission requested that the Applicant delineate the 200’ Buffer Line on the proposed plan.
The Conservation Administrator intends to review the size of the watershed area of the site again to determine the size of impervious area for the proposed project.
It was the consensus of the Commission to review the delineation of the wetland line on the site before making a decision for this filing.
Hank explained that it might be necessary for the Commission to consider the data presented during the previous filing when it was determined that the stream on the site was perennial.
Hank called for a motion to continue the hearing until July 6 at 8:00 p.m.
Janet Dunlap moved. Stephan Glicken seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:40 p.m. Executive Session:

Hank called for a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss Real Property Acquisition.
Janet moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:50 p.m. Adjournment from Executive Session:

Hank called for a motion to adjourn from Executive Session.
Stephen Cremer moved. Christine Turnbull seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:55 p.m. Signatures:

The Commission signed bills.

9:00 p.m. Adjournment:

Hank called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephan Glicken moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.